Experimenting With YouTube. Again.

Kelly P.
2 min readMay 26, 2022
Photo by Adam Fejes:https://www.pexels.com/photo/water-droplets-on-red-surface-5702341/

About 7 years ago, I got it into my head I wanted to experiment with different ways of storytelling. I was going through some stuff and I wanted to do more than just write. I also have been a visual person. I love experimenting with taking photos on my phone and tend to visualize what I’m writing like a movie, even complete with a soundtrack sometimes. When I thought about creating a YouTube channel.

I remember YouTube was first created in 2005 or so. I found nifty video clips of people uploading or re-uploading. It wasn’t a medium exactly that the everyday person could do. You needed to know complex video editing skills and have an elite camera (all of which I had none). But I bought myself the most basic GoPro to use with my Walmart-bought laptop. Hence, my channel was born. I used it as part of my first attempt to venture into freelancing and content creation.

Needless to say, it wasn’t successful. However, I’ve kept my channel up along with my original videos. Also, as you can clearly see, I have no idea what I’m doing.

Today, YouTube channels have become another form of a side hustle. There’s a lot of information about creating faceless YouTube channels, what niches to pursue, etc. And to be honest, trying to learn all that in addition to my regular job and my freelance writing seems to be too much. But I also feel like my…



Kelly P.

Aspiring freelance writer and photographer. Nerd. Check out my site: https://kellyssurfwords.com